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, Marcin Gębala

January Release: New tax management views and payment refactoring

New tax management views, Docker configuration improvements, and the first phase of payment refactoring.

  • Dashboard 2.0 has gained new features, with tax management and a new, simple way of adding images to products
  • We've upgraded the configuration of our Docker files to make them even more stable
  • Payment refactoring prepares gateways to be extracted to separate libraries. It's just a step in making bulletproof and customizable payments implementations

Update 2.3.1: The update addresses the security issue in GraphQL API. See the release notes on Github.

Dashboard 2.0 changes

After a few recent sprints focused on maintenance, we got back to adding new sections in Dashboard 2.0. The first is tax management.

To use it, in the Dashboard 2.0 navigate to Configure > Taxes. This is how it looks:

Tax management in Dashboard 2.0

Tax management in Dashboard 2.0

The view works in a similar way to the old dashboard, but it has refreshed look for Dashboard 2.0. We’ve also moved the tax configuration closer to the taxes list (it was rendered on a separate page before and required more clicks to find).

Another new feature is drag-and-drop image uploads. Take a look at how easy it is to add new product images now:

Uploading product images in Dashboard 2.0

Uploading product images in Dashboard 2.0

Docker configuration

Docker and docker-compose are important tools in Saleor’s deployment as well as local development flows. We’ve upgraded the configuration files to make them more stable and to fix a few issues with the setup in different environments that were reported by the community recently. Changes that we made include:

  • dedicated docker-compose configuration for local development
  • hot-reloading for Python modules when running the Django server in a container

Payment refactoring

Payments are a crucial feature of every e-commerce and our goal is to provide a bulletproof, understandable, and easy to customize implementation. In January we finished the first phase of payments refactoring which prepares gateways to be extracted to separate libraries. We maintain some of the most popular gateways, meaning the community will have a good reference for the implementation of their own payment gateways.

Storefront 2.0

Our PWA Storefront 2.0 is still in beta but we’re working hard on making it production-ready. In January we were focused on streamlining the checkout implementation. See the release page on Github for the new version of the storefront. Don’t forget to check out the latest PWA demo!

These were the highlights of this release. For the full changelog, see the release page on Github!

Future releases

Our goals for February include a lot of changes in Dashboard 2.0. New discount management is almost finished but we’re still putting some finishing touches to it. Ahead of us is the choice of a new rich-text editor for the new page management view. We have a few favorites but it’s not an easy choice—if you have experience with them, feel free to share your thoughts. On the backend side, we will continue to work on improvements in the checkout and payments API and architecture.

Thank you

A big thank you 🙏 to all contributors, stargazers, and supporters of Saleor!


For those of you who are interested in contributing to the project, we prepared a bunch of issues labeled as help wanted. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand the problem—our team will try to guide you and answer all your questions. Remember to check our channels on Gitter or Spectrum—they serve best if you have quick questions that don’t require opening an issue on GitHub.

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