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, Karol Kielecki

PyCon Korea 2019

We were very excited to attend PyCon Korea in Seoul, one of the biggest PyCons in the world.

It was a great opportunity for us to show how Saleor approached the task of building our API using GraphQL, and sharing the lessons we learned in doing so—Saleor’s Lead Dev, Marcin, gave a talk on it and introduced people to our GraphQL library, Ariadne:

It was also a chance to broaden our knowledge and awareness of Python communities in Korea and other APAC countries—more than 2,000 people were in attendance.

Marcin also had the opportunity to attend the speaker’s dinner at the end of day one. This was a great occasion to try out some delicious Korean cuisine (and soju) and to socialize with the organizers and other speakers. We learned that the Python communities in APAC countries are doing really well—there are many other PyCons in this region: PyCon Japan (we had the pleasure to meet people who run it); PyCon Malaysia; PyCon Philippines and PyCon India.

Saleor at Pucon Korea 2019

Overall, the people we talked to were enthusiastic about Saleor and Ariadne. We've also learned that GraphQL is not yet so popular among Python web developers here, compared to the JS community. We might have this impression also because many people we met use Python for data science and machine learning solutions, which are a different field than web development.

We appreciate the enthusiasm shown by the attendees we spoke with and thank all of the speakers, volunteers, organizers, and the wider Python community for making this such a great event. We’ll definitely return to PyCon Korea again in the future.

Mirek, Marcin.

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