Order management
Create approval steps before accepting orders.
Order activity
Track order activity such as comments, admin edits, payment-provider logs, and more.
Multi-channel context
Manage customer and sales rep access with channel-specific permissions and order context.
Multi-channel privacy
Control visibility of order data by channel for enhanced security.
Price and discount overrides
Manually override prices and discounts on order lines or delegate to an external API.
Returns and replacements
Manage returns across multiple fulfillments.
Order expirations
Control order expiration settings to expire price quotes and release stock allocations.
Order edits
Modify order quantities, lines, fulfillments, payments, and customer data.
Draft orders
Create draft orders without allocating stock to cover cases like sending customers quotes and internal order approvals.
Stock and fulfillment
Create click-and-collect warehouses for customer pickup.
Flexible bulk import
Create bulk imports of orders with a flexible data model to match the import file.
Use split fulfillment and partial payments to create backorders.
Multiple fulfillments
Create multiple fulfillments from a single order.
Fulfill a single order from multiple warehouses.
Inventory tracking
Automatically keep track of inventory or delegate it to external APIs.
Returns and replacements
Manage return flows and refunds across different payment gateways.
Stock allocation strategies
Control stock allocation priority among warehouses.
Address validation
Validate addresses with custom rules to ensure consistent tax and shipping calculations.
Grant refunds
Grant a refund and split it across different payment providers from the dashboard.
Manual capture
Authorize and manually capture payments by admins or the API.
Manual transactions
Create manual payment records and refunds to handle cash and bank transfer payments.
Recurring payments
Complete checkout, store credit card data and process recurring payments via Saleor’s API.
Use multiple payment gateways or create your own payment logic.
Split payments
Handle pre-orders, multi-card payments, installments and more by collecting multiple payments on an order.
Issue Gift-card credit
Admins can manage customer credit balances.
Account activation
Account activation via email allows users to claim anonymous orders associated with their email and validate their identity.
Customer groups
Create customer segments to provide special pricing and personalization.
Permission groups
Enjoy granular control over staff permissions.
Localizable admin
Localize the admin interface with 40+ languages supported.
OpenID Connect
Connect your identity provider to authenticate merchants with Single Sign-On (SSO).
Address book
Manage customers billing and shipping address books.
Convert existing orders to checkouts to enable fast reordering.
Order History
Access order history and associated events.